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Vanderbilt University Outdoor Track, TN

Sports Flooring Types for Indoor and Outdoor Use

One of the most effective ways to prevent sports injuries is to ensure that athletes are playing on the right type of sports flooring and surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Sports flooring types are made with special care to provide shock absorption as well as a suitable surface for each sport. The following is a complete guide on the different types of sports flooring used for indoor and outdoor applications.
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Rockridge High School Gym Flooring

What to Do If a Sports Floor Is Damaged by Flooding

Sports facilities make no exception – floodwaters can be devastating to school gymnasiums, field houses, athletic arenas, and other sports centers. Even a relatively small amount of water from broken pipes, malfunctioning sprinklers, or leaky roofs can cause severe water damage to a sports floor, but flooding is sure to warrant extensive repairs or replacement. So, what should school administrators and facility owners do if their sports floors get flooded? How can they get their facilities back up and running shortly after the disaster?
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