Kiefer USA offers a wide variety of floor surfacing options to solve even the most demanding applications. Our Mondo indoor track flooring products are renowned for shock absorption, longevity, and superior life cycle attributes. We offer a wide variety of textures that can accommodate multiple sport disciplines within a single fieldhouse, assuring that all sports perform on the most elite surface.
Kiefer USA offers the most diverse and extensive reference list in the industry. Our list of current users is unmatched in the marketplace. We have been offering world class indoor flooring solutions for 40 years!
We extensively researched all available options for use in our new Student Life Center Sports complex. At the end of the day nothing compared to Kiefer USA and Mondo. We are excited to open our new facility with what we believe is the finest and most reputable sports surface on the market today

After 20 years of hard use, it was simply time to replace our previous Mondo surface. We considered installing a poured surface, but we returned to the fact that we'd always had a very good experience with Mondo and the Mondo surface.

Contact Your Representative
Ohio, West Virginia
Aaron Goebbel | 224-643-7321 |
Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska
Ron DeMeyer | 224-643-7635 |
Indiana, Michigan
Kevin Walsh | 224-643-7637 |
Jess Wilhite | 224-643-7638 |
Western Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
T.J. Prunty | 224-643-7634 |
Eastern Minnesota, Wisconsin
Zac Epping | 224-643-7636 |
Kentucky, Tennessee
Nathan Rittenberry | 224-643-7639 |
All Other Inquiries
Kiefer USA | 800-322-5448